Sunday, August 31, 2008

Greetings to Ramadhan al Mubarak

Ramadhan.... is a month in Islam where all the Muslims around the world will be fasting during daytime. This ibadah is a challenge to all the Muslims because they are not only forbidding themselves from drinking and eating but also to control themselves from gossiping and actions that can make their ibadah 'lagha'.
This year will mark a new experience to me and my family where we will fast without the presence of my beloved mother. She passed away because of the lung infection. From the day she demised, not even a single moment, her face will appear in my memory. A mother is always a mother.
To all Muslim readers,
Love your mother ands appreciate her every second, once she left us, then we will see the difference. Love you ya 'Ammi....


[tErOmPaH bIrU] said...

Salam.. nok pa maksud 'lagha' ya?...

Apa2 pun selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa.. banyak2 la bersabar dengan ujian Allah Taala ya.. sesungguhnya orang yang sabar itu sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah Taala :)

Link blog ko boleh Shai'ful'?... ;D

yazmienn said...

Selamat menjalan kan ibadah posa pol... mintak bersabar taun tok...

cepat2 laa carik bini pakey masak ngan ko hari2...hehehhee

taun tok ..ko open house ka..?

Mr. Shai Hamdan said...

Link ajaklah sesiapa yang sudi...lagik pun i am a new person in blogging world. hehehehehe