Friday, August 22, 2008

Form 2 Bestari

Again this year, I was given a responsibility to handle a Form 2 class as the previous 2 years. My response was, 2 Bestari again?!

However, this badge is varied with odds behaviour. When it comes to make entrance "enter-frame"- they can do it very well. I am a kind of against this attitude since I am a low profile eventhough some of my friends would say "Yalah tu, low profile sangat lah ko tu.". I am teaching them English Language and luckily they are able to follow my instruments so far.

Still remember their first impression about me and the shocking faces they showed when I entered their class. For those who do not know me well, when it comes to teaching, my voice can conquer the whole building. My anger could affect the emotion of other students in other classes. My friends always said "Listen! Cikgu Saiful next door dah jadi "Super Saiya". Nak saya jemput dia ke sini" And obviously the students will say no. Ha ha ha ha (4 harakat jer)

In Form 2 Bestari, I don't have much problem with them. I only have problem with them when they have become motionless and passive. I am a kind of teacher that like them to move around and communicate with me or their friends in English only. I have warned them early this year that, if I hear them speaking in their mother tongue, I will pinch them based on the number or words they have uttered. Thus, my class usually is the noisiest as for this class, I only prepare students-centered activities where they will speak, move and do on their own. My role is only a facilitator.

However, deep in my heart, I love them so much even though this feeling I never let them see. Form 2 B - love u so much

1 comment:

DeLL PuTiT said...

mmm it's normal when it comes to teaching. it's better to teach those school kids than public university students. all i could say is, they have money, they can do whatever they want... but, for me, i still treated them like school kids because most of the Uni students that i taught were kind of weak with their language command. high level of patience is needed!