Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Salam Sejahtera

Thanks to the Rabbal Izzati.....I feel much better today.....My chest is not really painful when I cough. Thanks again.

As in this posting, I have a lot of things to share. However, I will only share something that happened to me this morning.

Every Thursday, my class is very early as 6.50 - 8.10 am. I will be entering 5 Science 2 for English in Science Technology class. In my previous lesson, I have given them a chance to copy down an article about Diabetes. So, I expected them to bring along the written copy. Guess! Few of them told me: Teacher, mine is at the hostel. I felt like to cut their head. What a stupid reason.

I spent more than 30 minutes nagging at them. All the things that I kept all this while I threw it out to them. They get as good as they deserved. I wonder, will they change?

When I think it again, in my own experience, I never did this when I was schooling (correct me if I am wrong my fellow schoolmates). Especially when it came to teachers who I really afraid of. Sejarah - Puan Bhal, BI - Puan Hai, BM - Cik Zahura, Maths - Puan Bahjah, Syariah - Ust Bakti. I would try my best to do all the given tasks as perfect as I could.

In Sejarah, Puan Bhal taught me to be perfect. I still remembered she pushed me and all my classmates to write essays and essays especially when the SPM was around the corner. Puan Hai with her English essays and dictionary reading. Cik Zahura - she was furious when I got F9 in my second trial (because of the foolish essay that I wrote about a setinggan village with beautiful scenaries). Puan Bahjah - she always compared me with Ezzardin (the best math student - sort of). Last but not least Ust Bakti with his X-ray eyes. I did not dare to look him in the eyes. He always claimed that he could see what the bad things we did... scary ooo....

And then again when we look it back, most of the past generation products are very independent. Most of the us have a very stable career and life. I wonder what will happen to this new generation where they are really dependent. They even are spoon-fed in the class. They do not even bother to bring a dictionary to school. They never ask questions but expect their teachers to give answers. The greater part is, they never appreaciate the efforts done by their teachers. The very best example that I can share is the one that happened to me. Wrote on the whiteboard, asked them to copy down and finally when I wanted to discuss, they told me that they have left their copy in the hostel.

Oh my Lord, I surrender myself to your Greatness and wish that You could award me with Patience and Resilience. I pray to the Al Mighty in hoping that I will be more passionate and resourceful to face the future. Aminnnnn....................

The more I write, the

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah Saiful...ko ngingatkan aku ngan cikgu-cikgu kita yang di takuti..heheeh