Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Raining.....

Dillah once wrote about raining, and here let me write another version of it. In my work place, when it rains, it means muddy shoes....ahhaaaaa(ala ala Miss Fran Fine in 'The Nanny'). As the fifth day of Ramadhan which on Friday, rain poured down starting from dawn and I heard from my friends (via ym), it is still raining at the time I type this posting. Must be very cold. So, the activities of teaching and learning will be very slow too. We teachers, we have this syndrome, "It's raining class, very comfortable right. So we better save our voice and enjoy the weather. Do exercises from this page to this page!" or worst "Sleepy huh! Me too! Do your own work k!" Then, the teacher will bury his/her face in a bunch of essays or books that need to be corrected. One of colleagues did say about a statement referring to Bakongites teachers. "Unpolished shoes with mud, must be SMK Bakong teachers...." Our school SMK Bakong Miri even though has received a lot of awards (Sekolah Harapan Negara and Kualiti Menteri Pelajaran), we still far behind in term of facilities. We do not have enough rooms, enough laboratories, small staffroom (when it comes to a transitional phase : Morning and Afternoon session teachers in the staffroom, it will be crowded and noisy) and muddy pathways. However, there are a lot of improvement been done by the school communities. The students and the other teachers (a.k.a not me) do a lot of things that make the school alive. The new project is the clock tower; an imitation of Big Ben I guess....In the next posting I will share some of the pictures of the school. Happy Fasting!!!!!

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