Friday, December 26, 2008

Fate or Destiny

A few weeks ago, I always in a state of thinking about my future. Stay single or get a spouse and get married. To be honest, I never have any intention to get married at all. I never plan or even worst think about it. What has made me start thinking? When my mother demised early this year, I realised that she had missed a lot of things. Especially to see her children starting their family. This issue has been brought up by my grandmother. Along with tears, she nagged me to start my own family.
Not only her, all the relatives started to question and they really want to see me getting married. What should I do? I did consult my father about this issue. He explained to me nicely that if I get married, my wife will take care of me. She will look into my meal and my clothes. She will take care of me because nobody will do that. He added that he understood that before this my mother was the one who made things happen in our lives. That is why when she had passed away, me as the elder sibling should find ways to fill in the gap that we have in our family.
After a very long thinking, I decided to accept my grandmother's proposal. I surrender my destiny in the hand of Allah S.W.T. If I am meant to be someone's husband, I will accept it. Without further delay, my grandmother started the procedure, "Merisik". I asked her who is the unlucky girl? She said one of my second cousin, with a very fine family background and I will never regret in my life. I asked myself, am I ready? Then I remembered, an Ustaz in UIA who taught me once said, "We will always never be in a state of readiness unless you get involved with it. Take the challenge, pray to Allah S.W.T for His Guidance and find ways to adapt with the situation. Insya Allah, you will never regret on what you have chosen."
Being single is the best. Many of my friends say that. But they and me never have experience being double. Who knows that they will be a great adventure lies ahead and it will bring happiness in my life. On of my colleagues once said, " Hidup seorang memang seronok, tetapi cuba bayangkan hidup berdua dimana kehidupan tersebut saling melengkapi, bantu membantu, penuh memenuhi dan nasihat menasihati. Betapa mudahnya hidup tersebut yang akan meringan bebanan yang kita ada sepanjang kehidupan yang amat singkat. Perkahwinan adalah ibadah dan sesuatu yang kita anggap sebagai ibadah tidak akan memberi sesuatu yang negatif dalam kehidupan kita. Terpulang kepada kitalah yang menentukan hala tuju perhubungan tersebut. Lagipun, kenapa kita hanya suka kepada benda yang senang? Ambil satu cabaran dalam kehidupan dan ia akan membahagiakan masa depan".

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